Professor, Quality and Innovation, Emergency Medicine
Excellence in Humanism in Medicine Award, University of Alberta
Community Enhancement Award: Individual Category, Town of Peace River, Alberta, Canada)
The Changemaker Award, Canadian College of Healthcare Leaders - Alberta)
Primary Supervisor, Master of Business Administration (MBA) in Community Economic Development (CED), Shannon School of Business, Cape Breton University, Sydney, NS, Canada
Featured as Model Rural Family Physician (by the Government of Alberta) https://youtu.be/7dKIc_OW6Ss
Top Scored What Works Papers, International Conference on Residency Education, Ottawa, ON, Canada
Jahangir, K. (2019, September 26-28). Safe Space Health app – Leveraging Digital Technology for Wellbeing, Education, and Professional Fulfilment of Healthcare Providers. Presentation at the International Conference on Residency Education, Ottawa, Canada.
Awarded Best Paper at the largest Nephrology Conference in the World
Giddings, G., Jahangir, K., & Davidson, S. (2016, November). Meeting palliative clinicians' advanced learning needs in kidney palliative care. Presentation at the American Society of Nephrology – Kidney Week 2016, Chicago, USA.
Awarded Best Paper at the largest Palliative Care Conference in the World
Giddings, G., Jahangir, K., & Davidson, S. (2016, October 18-21). Innovative training options for physicians in the palliation of end stage kidney disease patients. Presentation at the International Congress on Palliative Care, Montreal, Canada.
Rural Teacher of the Year, Rural Alberta North Residency Program, Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry, University of Alberta
Teaching/Mentor Award: Rural Family Medicine, Professional Association of Resident Physicians of Alberta, Canada
2012 - 2013
2011 - 2012
2011 - 2012
Best Preceptor of the Year, Peace River, AB, Canada
2011 - 2012
2010 - 2011
2009 - 2010
2010 - 2011
2009 - 2010